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OUMERE's No. 9 increased collagen and anti-aged skin over one week period

In a previous article I discussed the beginnings of a clinical research study in OUMERE Labs where I am observing the differences in skin after a one week period of topical application of the No. 9 Daily Liquid Exfoliant.

The materials, methods and protocol can be found here

The "experimental" sample was skin exposed to topical application of the OUMERE No. 9 exfoliant over a one week period.

The control was skin exposed to topical application of deionized water (DI H2O) over a one week period. 



After applying the No.  9 to human skin for one week, and water to the control human skin sample for one week, I embedded the skin samples, sectioned them into 1000 micron-thick sections, stained them with toluidine blue and observed them under the microscope.

The below images are the results of the above experiment.


Fig. 1: The experimental sample shows a high amount of collagen fibers, seen stained above. Nuclei of skin cells and fibers also present.  

Fig. 2: experimental sample shows little staining and few skin cells and fibers present.


The above findings show that topically applying No. 9 to the skin increases or maintains the collagen fibers in the skin.

If you  notice, the experimental sample looks more "complex" (Fig. 1) than the control, you can see more skin cells, more fibers, a darker color staining fibers in the sample, etc.

The stain used here has an affinity for collagen fibers so it will stain dark on collagen fibers. The darkness of the experimental indicates a high amount of collagen in the sample. The lightness or absence of staining on the control sample indicates a lack of collagen.

The increased complexity of the experimental sample compared to the control, suggests that No. 9 either increased or maintain skin cells, increased or maintained elastin and collagen fibers, and also maintained skin density. 

The sample that had the No. 9 applied overall had a much higher quality of appearance when compared to the control. The control (Fig. 2) appeared to have fewer skin cells per area, causing the "plainer" less remarkable appearance when compared to the sample that received the No. 9 treatment. These observations suggest that No. 9 keeps skin cells active and prevented their decay during the experimental procedure. The increased complexity of the appearance of the sample receiving No. 9 suggests that No. 9 had a powerful anti-aging, skin preserving effect.

These findings lead the way to future studies on the anti-aging potential of No. 9. In just one week, No. 9 significantly preserved and anti-aged the skin, which leads to future studies on what No. 9 can do to anti-age and benefit skin when used in the long-term.